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A non-profit, non-partisan California corporation whose purpose is to support the perpetuation of our nation’s democratic republic by helping high schools and colleges foster Civil Discourse, Constitutional Literacy, and Democratic Engagement.
The Madison-Lincoln Initiative
In 2023, our Founder, Luis P. Sanchez, JD, LLM, retired from a lengthy career in higher education but was not ready for a life of leisure. He returned to the practice of law and developed the Madison-Lincoln Initiative out of his concern that Americans are increasingly polarized into two dominant political tribes which have become increasingly extreme and increasingly hostile to “the other side”, with threats of another Civil War and violent confrontations becoming normalized. The Madison-Lincoln Initiative seeks to promote constitutional literacy, civic engagement, and civil discourse among America’s youth as an antidote to the disintegration of our common bond.
Our History
03 Civil Discourse
02 Democratic Engagement
01 Constitutional Literacy
A fundamental understanding of the principles, structure, and major provisions outlined in the United States Constitution. Constitutional literacy is crucial for citizens to actively participate in democracy, uphold the rule of law, and hold elected officials accountable. It involves comprehension of the Constitution's historical context, its interpretation by the judiciary, and its relevance in contemporary society.
Constitutional Literacy 03 Civil Discourse
02 Democratic Engagement
Constitutional Literacy
01 The active participation of citizens in the political process and broader community affairs. Democratic engagement is essential for a healthy democracy as it allows citizens to express their voices, contribute to decision-making processes, and hold government officials accountable. It fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility among citizens towards their communities and promotes the collective pursuit of common goals and values.
Democratic Engagement
03 Civil Discourse
Democratic Engagement
02 Constitutional Literacy
01 Civil discourse, essential in politics, involves respectful and constructive exchanges among individuals or groups with differing viewpoints. It promotes listening, considering alternatives, and finding common ground whenever possible through reasoned dialogue rather than personal attacks. Civil discourse fosters understanding, cooperation, and democratic processes by encouraging mutual respect and free exchange of ideas.
Civil Discourse Civic Engagement
Maintaining Civil Discourse
The name of our non-profit organization recognizes the role of James Madison, fourth president of the United States and chief architect of the US Constitution, and Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth president of the United States, whose leadership through the Civil War resulted in the adoption of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution, thus ending the scourge of slavery and guaranteeing all Americans the “Equal Protection” of the laws. Although our nation would not achieve full equality until women were finally given the right to vote through the 19th amendment and the pernicious Jim Crow laws were banished by the Civil Rights Act, the influence of presidents Madison and Lincoln on the Constitution that has bound our nation for a quarter-millennium cannot be overstated.