Changing The Direction

We created Honeycomb because we saw a profession that made you choose between your patients and your well-being. There is a better way.

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Trust in Excellence

A team that knows. A team that cares.

Our management team has over forty years of experience in general practice and specialty medicine. Entrepreneurs and animal welfare executives, consultants and caregivers… our team has successfully founded, guided, or shaped over fifty veterinary practices. And through our charitable work, we have placed over three thousand homeless dogs and cats into loving homes. We believe in rethinking the way to make a difference in the lives of our team members and our communities. That’s why we built Honeycomb.

How we do it

Empowering women to reach leadership positions
A workplace culture that meets your needs
A focus on incredible medicine – every patient, every time
Prioritizing skill set development to unlock your potential
Never having to choose between your patients and your well-being


High quality medicine and a work/life balance- we don’t make you choose between the two.

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