We’re here to help you and your pets navigate through all the stages of their life to maximize their health, comfort and well-being.
Wellness Exams
Just like you, your pet’s health needs change depending upon their age, activity level, lifestyle and breed specific characteristics. The core of a good preventive health care plan is the annual or semi-annual (for seniors) wellness exam. A complete wellness exam will include an in-depth interview with you to obtain a thorough history of your pet’s activities, physical symptoms, and overall sense of well-being at home. Our doctors will conduct a complete physical examination and recommend any life stage-appropriate laboratory testing to detect any possible signs of a health problem.
Exotic Pets
Dogs and cats are not the only pets that need regular preventive health care to stay healthy and happy. Rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, birds, tortoises/turtles, and reptiles and other exotic pets have very specific health maintenance needs that need to be assessed and addressed on a regular basis. The number one reason we see health problems in our exotic patients is due to a lack of proper husbandry and basic maintenance health care. We recommend yearly or twice yearly general health examinations for your exotic pets. During these examinations, our doctors will assess your pet’s overall health, provide counseling on home care and husbandry, make recommendations for specific health maintenance tasks, and when indicated, recommend blood tests to assess their internal health as well as fecal testing to check for parasites.
Because We Care
Diligent wellness care allows us to promote your pet’s existing health, prevent many future problems, and detect other health issues early, allowing us to intervene and reverse or significantly slow down problems before they become unmanageable. Learn more about our preventative healthcare services and how they can benefit your pet.